1 My Hope and Joy: Ups and Downs

Monday, January 19, 2015

Ups and Downs

After discovering that there could be some hiccups in our road to adoption (or as we were thinking, a complete "no" to our adoption attempts), I immediately starting thinking of our Plan "B."  God had just given us this verse of being strong and courageous and here I go trying to take matters into my own hands because the path didn't go exactly the way I had envisioned....and this is only the beginning.

Isn't that just like us?  God gives us a promise and we immediately doubt when it doesn't go like our minds' eye envisioned.  We think perhaps we didn't hear God right to begin with.  We think we can help things along.  We think we should have a backup plan in case God's doesn't work.  And then we have the audacity to look at the Israelites and wonder how they could complain after God had provided so many miracles.  We are no different.

We've been studying about the Exodus in school, but before the Exodus was Abraham and Sarah.  God told them they'd have a baby - and Sarah was old.  Really old.  She wasn't getting any younger so, they decided to take matters into their own hands and Abraham had a son, Ishmael, by Hagar, their slave.  That wasn't God's plan.  They jumped the gun and it caused major rifts and turmoil in their family because of it.  When God did finally give them the child they were promised, out of that lineage came the 12 tribes of Israel.  God gave them their hearts desire and fulfilled the promise he gave them, but it was in his timing.

So, as we wait for this child, even though our desire to have him with us is growing stronger, we will wait until God moves and opens and closes doors.  We will be strong and courageous, even though this road could be bumpy.

Meanwhile, a private organization in L.A. has contacted us again to discuss details and get information.  They seem willing to work with us and our circumstances, as it looks as if private organizations will be able to work more in our favor through adoption.  So for now, that's what we will look into.

I will not be terrified or dismayed for the Lord our God is with us wherever we go.

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