1 My Hope and Joy: The "Buts" Have Got To Go

Saturday, January 3, 2015

The "Buts" Have Got To Go

Have you ever caught yourself saying something along the lines of, "I probably shouldn't say this, but...."?  Or how about "I know I shouldn't do this, but...."?  What about "I probably shouldn't watch this, but...."?  Those "buts" have got to go.

"But" is just a fancy way of saying "ignore everything I just said and listen to THIS!"  If you have to start a sentence with "I probably shouldn't," then you shouldn't.  It's more than likely either gossip, lust, disobedience, spite, or sin and unholiness in some form.  Following up with a "but" doesn't make it any holier.

God tells us clearly he wants whole-hearted commitment.  When we water down God's commands of living a holy, pure life, we do a dis-service to him and as Christianity as a whole.  Do we think this thing we know we're not supposed to do or say is somehow dismissed by our Great Creator and his demand for holiness just because we said we shouldn't do/see/say/think it, but decided to anyway?  The Bible says sin is sin and holiness is holiness.  The two can't mix.  Watering down God's commands is diluting God's commands.  His commands and laws are not written in gray, but black and white.

Purpose in your heart to speak words of life, turn from evil, do good in God's eyes, resist temptation, give love not vindication, and surround yourself with what is holy.

Let's purpose to:

...and happiness will follow.

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