1 My Hope and Joy: Adoption Steps

Wednesday, March 18, 2015

Adoption Steps

Well it's been a day over a month since I posted about adoption.  Not much has changed as far as steps we've taken to progress forward, however, we HAVE gained much knowledge and insight into the workings of the foster to adopt programs available.

I hesitated to state which setbacks we ran into last time because they were hot button topics.  But at this point, I want God to get the glory every step of the way!  Two obstacles stood in our way....or so we thought.  The first was income.  We were told there were certain requirements and from where we stood, it looked like that would be a problem.  Until this last week, when we were told how desperate they are for people to take children and our income would not be a problem in the least.  Thank you, God!  The second was that we don't vaccinate, and the biological children must be vaccinated before you can foster to adopt.  While we still don't agree with vaccinations, we did find a work-around for this particular road block.  And it looks as if we'll be starting with the application process and certifications soon.  Thank you, God, again!

We were able to attend a local adoption support group and were encouraged in some of our fears about the process, and also challenged in some.  It's unnerving to have someone walk into your home, look in every nook and cranny, and tell you what you need to "fix."  But it's also necessary and seeing the end result of adoption will help us get through those hard moments.  We were challenged to consider infants as opposed to older children (especially for our first foster) with the thinking that we can avoid all of the heartache with these children if we can get to them before they are in the system.  And while we did consider this, we also talked with a friend (an adult), who went through the foster system, never having been adopted himself.  He was not so quick to agree.  And when I think about what is on my heart, I must say older children are more of my passion.  I am the first to snuggle a newborn and could sit for hours like that, but my heart goes out to those little ones that already are in the system.

We have signed up with Child SHARE to help us along this journey, and are excited to see God's hand in this.  Today I contact Koinonia to verify a few things, and it looks like that is the way we will go......at least for now.

We pray every night with the kids together about the adoption process, for our future adoptive kid(s), and for wisdom and help.  God is granting these things and we are blessed by it already!

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