I have a friend who I've connected with especially on the topic of adoption. She and I are in the exact same spot: We both want to foster to adopt. We both are nervous about it. We both have hesitations about everything involved. We both feel unworthy. We both wonder what it will be like having social services in our homes. We both wonder if we're qualified to do this. We both homeschool and wonder how that will come into play. We both have messy houses at times (okay, a lot of the time).
We both have a passion for children who don't currently get to share the love of a family. It's growing in our hearts. We can feel it. It's anticipation. It's excitement. It's nervousness. It's God and we know it.
And yet...
Neither of us have filled out an application. Neither of us have felt like we need to heavily pursue it right at this moment. Neither of us are being prompted to move, but know it will happen.
Being patient and waiting has never been a strong suit of mine. But I've learned that you truly get the best of what God has to offer when you do. You are letting him make his gift perfect before you jump in demanding that which isn't quite finished.
So even though she has the application in her hands, she hasn't filled it out yet. Even though I am in waiting for a phone call that was promised, I am in the beginning stages.
Something this friend said just the other day really has stuck with me. "Adoption is a ministry. If that child ends up gelling with your family after they are with you, that's just an added blessing." Wow. I didn't really think about the child never really fitting in with us. All kids need is a little help, a little hope, and someone who believes in them, right? I mean, can't you just give them love and help them work through their past (with as difficult as I've heard that can be), and all is well? And all the foster-to-adopt moms out there smile a knowing smile and think oh, sweet, naive, newbie.
I am the first to admit I have no idea what I'm doing. I know there are children out there that right now have nobody to hug them with a hug that means they are loved for being them. There are children who never hear the words I love you. There are children who have no physical home to call theirs. There are children who don't get to do a "normal" life. There are children who need a family. We are opening ours to one of these children. I'd love to adopt them all and snuggle with them and tell them Jesus loves them. But for now, God will give us one. One boy.
God called us to this, he will equip us through it. God chose Mary, a girl who had never had children, who had never been married, who had no life experience. Yet, she was willing. Ok, Lord. I'm clueless. I don't know what this will look like or how messy it's going to get, but I'm willing. Make this all about you and lead us to be what that little guy needs in this world.
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