1 My Hope and Joy: December 2014

Wednesday, December 31, 2014

Mid-Year Lesson Plan Changes

2015 is sure to bring much change and many rewards!  This is what I spent all day yesterday doing:

Changing up our lesson plans for the New Year!  We will be doing Vision Therapy with all three boys as they all exhibit signs of fatigue and/or disabilities of some kind that supposedly can be fixed with this system.  I'm hopeful that this will work for all of them!

So while I've always said I wished curriculum came in six-month chunks instead of full school year long sets, I guess I'm getting my wish!  The next six months will be focused on Eye and Vision Therapy, and adjusting curriculum accordingly.

And while I've been looking at Joshua 1:9 for our next family verse to memorize, I found it quietly comforting for myself as I've been working diligently on this next phase and journey.

"Be strong and courageous.  Do no be afraid; do not be discouraged, for the Lord your God will be with you wherever you go."  

I am not afraid, although, I do find myself getting anxious about it.  Nervous, even.  But the Lord has led us to this, and I'm confident he will lead us through it.  I feel somewhat out of my element with doing therapy on my own until we start up with the Optometrist, but in some ways this is the perfect place to be: in complete reliance on my Heavenly Father.

Monday, December 29, 2014

Vision Therapy Recommended

CJ had his follow-up eyeglasses appointment today!  He had some testing done to determine if they thought Vision Therapy would be recommended.  It is.

A typical eye will be able to focus on an object up to a few inches away from their eyeball before it blurs.  CJ's eyes don't focus properly.  He is 8" out on the right eye (meaning the object goes out of focus at that distance) and 10" out on his left eye.  In other words, his eyes are taxed easily.  A 2" difference between the two eyes working together is also a big concern.  The eye doctor said this is something to work on because he hardly did anything to his eyes, and they were already tired.

They gave him a tracking test, where he had to read numbers in columns and in rows.  He is accurate in terms of keeping place, however he is on the slow side for his age on the timed test.  His eye tracking could be improved along with the speed of his eye movement.

(If you can see past my middle son in the green, you can see CJ being tested for eye tracking)

His convergence and focus issues are making learning difficult because these things are not linking to the brain properly, making understanding hard.

Because we are on winter break, we haven't been studying or learning like we usually do.  It was recommended to wait one month so we get a good handle on how he's doing with just his glasses in school, and then meet back together if we feel Vision Therapy is needed.  I’m pretty confident it’s needed, but I’ll move forward with Dianne Craft’s therapy manual in the meantime.

When I asked if his eyes would get better over time with just his glasses, the answer was no...as good as his eyes are now, are as good as they will ever be.  So, this means, we just need to start therapy.  However, with waiting and observing one month, we'll have more knowledge to move forward with.

Once Vision Therapy starts, he will go through a battery of two hours of testing.  This will include remembering details on a picture, figure ground, reading into a machine that tracks eye movements, timed images, and looking into fine motor skills.

Let this journey begin!

Busy Is Right Where Satan Wants Us

I'm happy I only have one person to answer to.  I've had to make some pretty drastic decisions lately to accommodate the growing needs of my family.  They were not popular decisions or ones that were approved of by probably anyone outside of our family.  But the only approval I'm seeking is God's.  If he says go, I go.  If he says stay, I stay.  Regardless of who thinks what or if I'm thought to be a fool.

Some of the decisions I've had to make are withdrawing from activities that we love, but that create more work for us in the long run, and not agreeing to every activity that presents itself.  I've found myself struggling to keep up with the daily grind, much less extra activities.  If I cannot return a text, a phone call, an email or a message because I'm too busy....maybe I'm just too busy.  If I cannot handle the demands at home to maintain a healthy environment (laundry, dishes, food, time) because I'm too busy....maybe I'm just too busy.  If the boys are not seeing their dad at all at night when he gets home because we're too busy....then maybe we're just too busy.

Cutting out all of the excess that doesn't promote a family and God-centered home is a must. There is no way we can have a family-centered and God-centered home when we are on the go all the time.  After removing us from extra activities, we've had time for family devotions again, we've had time to play games together and really talk again, we've had time to grow together without having to run to another place, or organize another thing, or be somewhere else again.  We're free to enjoy each other, our home, and God.

I believe satan wants us to be busy.  When we're busy, we try to fit in more than we can handle, and the things that we think we can cut out are the most important things that we need to fit in.  We do what we need to do to "get by" and all of the things that mean the most to our family are forgotten or dismissed.  In our home, we always pray together at night, whether busy or not.  But we tend to skip our family worship times and devotions.  We tend to see each other and be together, but not really spend quality time together.  And we tend to be grumpier, snap easier, and w'ere not as patient with each other.

I usually notice there's a busy-ness problem when one of the boys mentions they would like to do something as a family that we haven't done in awhile.  I may hear, "Hey, Mom...I'd like to play games as a family" or "Maybe we could all go to the park together" or "Mom, can you sleep in my bed tonight?" or "When do I get a date night with you and Dad?" or "Can Dad shoot bb guns with me soon?"  The final clincher when I decided to quit my photography business years back was my oldest son saying, "Mom, you love the computer more than you love me."  Well now.  That did it.  It's hard to let go and step back.  But when we do, we have peace and rest.

Think of Mary and Martha in Luke 10.  Mary sits at Jesus' feet and listens as he teaches.  Martha was distracted with serving and doing.  She was trying to make everything perfect, but in the process, didn't realize perfection was sitting in front of her.  The Bible never tells us to be busy.  It tells us to rest and be at peace.

Psalm 46:10, "Be still and know that I am God..."

It's not popular to go against the world's standards of living.  It's not easy, either.  But listening and obeying God regardless of what man thinks or says is what God requires: an open, willing heart that fears God more than man.  Lord, give me strength to do what you have us do regardless of how popular the decision is within our circle of friends and family, and give us wisdom to know how to carry it out.  We know we will be blessed in our obedience and we pray we will live our lives to the fullest while we serve and worship you...not our schedules and calendars.  

Wednesday, December 24, 2014

Merry Christmas 2014

As we have been studying in school about history in depth, it has opened a love for studying the background to stories, and not just learning facts and highlights.  This Christmas, we have been reading books and watching videos to learn and understand what life was like when Jesus was born, and to really understand what the culture was during his birth.

We truly enjoyed a book called, "Jotham's Journey" by Arnold Ytreeide that has opened our eyes to so many details surrounding Christ's birth.  I highly recommend this book to use with kids during Advent.  We read one short chapter each night through December, while lighting the Advent candles.  After each story was a very short prayer, devotional, or thought to leave you with.

While we celebrate Jesus' birthday this year, I hope to be like Mary as she walked in blind faith and obedience, not knowing what the next step held.  I pray to be like Joseph, who lead his family in God's steps and who had integrity and fear of the Lord.  I pray to be like the shepherds, who proclaimed the news of Jesus' birth to the people and were the ones who spread the news of his coming.  I strive to be like the wisemen, who sought Jesus out, and believed in Him without having seen him yet.  Above all, I pray every part of my being is like Jesus, who was selfless in his act of love to come to our broken world and live among us, who was born a helpless and dependent baby, who walked among sinners and yet was one with the Father, who came knowing what his outcome would be and yet came willingly and with love for me.  For you.  For all.

Merry Christmas to you as we celebrate the best gift we could have ever asked for!  Jesus!

Monday, December 15, 2014

My Three Sons

I adore their smiles

I cherish their hugs

I admire their hearts

But most of all, I love

That they are my sons!

Tuesday, December 9, 2014

I'm Not Trendy

Sometimes I think I should have grown up on a remote homestead somewhere far from cities and vehicles, where not everything is concrete and crowds.  You know, where you live off of the land, growing your own food, but also enjoying the world God created in it's raw form.  But then I think I'd miss friends and people.  

I'm not a trendy person.  I don't get caught up in the latest fashion, the latest health fad, the latest discipline technique, the latest home decorating trend.  I gravitate toward simple and classic, which turns out to be plain and boring.

This is not to say that I don't throw on a pretty necklace or dress once in awhile, or zip up some cute boots.  But I don't pay full price and the thrift stores, garage sales, and clearance racks are my stores.  My favorite times with my friends are when we're in sweats and tshirts.  Sure, I'll dress up once in awhile when we go out (even then I have to force myself), but lounging in my jammies and sweats will never be beat in my mind.  Come on over with your sweatshirt and jeans and I'll throw in some hot chocolate for you while we sit on the couch and chat - you'll just have to push toys, books, and probably a fork and plate over first.

I'm not into the latest lotions and potions.  As a matter of fact, I usually make my own.  It's healthier that way, too, but not exactly easier.  There are so many really neat products out there that are supposed to defy age and growing old...but growing old is part of life.  If I lose friends because of my many wrinkles or extra rolls on my belly, then maybe they weren't really friends.  I'd like to think we look at the inside more so than the outside; at knowledge and wisdom and friendship and spirituality more so than brand name clothes and stylish hair and what lotion we used that morning. 

I don't eliminate a complete food group, knowing that there is balance to everything and eventually you'll become deficient in something.  I don't follow a point system, a calorie counting system, purchase vitamin drinks or shakes, remove a portion of a food (like gluten from wheat or juice from a fruit or vegetable), or follow any other of the newest trends in eating.  If God made it for consumption, then it is good.  If man has tampered with it, then more than likely, it's bad.  Keeping food whole and untouched, eating many veggies and fruit, and adding in some meats and wheats is our style.  Oh.  And chocolate.

Exercising is not done a certain way in order to obtain perfection here.  I don't have fancy gym equipment, I don't use a wrap, a pill or run the latest 5k to get results.  My philosophy is MOVE!  If your body is in movement, it is exercising.  I have run 5k's before but honestly, it seems like a fad and research is discovering walking to be better on your joints anyway.  Phew!  That's more my style.  I can walk until the cows come home.  I do use weights for arms and sometimes I'll do crunches when my back allows for it.  I go with a mix of cardio, weight training, and mix in some work on specific areas when it's needed.  But everybody has a different body and they all require different exercises and movement to get the results they need.  That's the beauty of it!  

I'm not one to use tricks and trends to discipline and/or reward my kids for their behavior.  I would rather they know right and wrong for what it is than to have them feel like they get a reward for everything they do.  The Bible is our guide on this.  We don't give them only four gifts at Christmas that are gifts that we get them all throughout the year (want, need, wear, read).  We give gifts that match their personalities.  We give gifts that will be loved and appreciated.  Gifts in our home are given a lot of thought to the individual - not a system of giving.  And yes, they are grateful children.  They know the value of money (they earn it and save up for those things they really want), they know to be thankful for something even if it's not exactly what they were hoping for, they understand there are kids who have far less than them and that they are privileged to have what they do.  

My house isn't decorated like Martha's.  I'll pick things up here and there that I love, and when I put it all together, it usually makes a beautiful display.  But there is no theme, there is no style.  It's what I love, mixed with things that are meaningful, and things that are durable (there is no such thing as having something delicate in a home with three boys).  

I'm not a trend-setter, and I'm not a trend-follower.  I run to my own drum beat.  But I feel like that's where God gave us creativity.  He didn't tell us to do as others do or to keep up with the Jones'.  So while I don't follow the latest and greatest, we do approach each challenge using specific creativity with God's help (not man's), knowing if we let him lead us, we'll be following the best trend of all.

Monday, December 8, 2014

Adoption and Ministry

I have a friend who I've connected with especially on the topic of adoption.  She and I are in the exact same spot: We both want to foster to adopt.  We both are nervous about it.  We both have hesitations about everything involved.  We both feel unworthy.  We both wonder what it will be like having social services in our homes.  We both wonder if we're qualified to do this.  We both homeschool and wonder how that will come into play.  We both have messy houses at times (okay, a lot of the time).


We both have a passion for children who don't currently get to share the love of a family.  It's growing in our hearts.  We can feel it.  It's anticipation.  It's excitement.  It's nervousness.  It's God and we know it.

And yet...

Neither of us have filled out an application.  Neither of us have felt like we need to heavily pursue it right at this moment.  Neither of us are being prompted to move, but know it will happen.

Being patient and waiting has never been a strong suit of mine.  But I've learned that you truly get the best of what God has to offer when you do.  You are letting him make his gift perfect before you jump in demanding that which isn't quite finished.

So even though she has the application in her hands, she hasn't filled it out yet.  Even though I am in waiting for a phone call that was promised, I am in the beginning stages.

Something this friend said just the other day really has stuck with me.  "Adoption is a ministry.  If that child ends up gelling with your family after they are with you, that's just an added blessing."  Wow.  I didn't really think about the child never really fitting in with us.  All kids need is a little help, a little hope, and someone who believes in them, right?  I mean, can't you just give them love and help them work through their past (with as difficult as I've heard that can be), and all is well?  And all the foster-to-adopt moms out there smile a knowing smile and think oh, sweet, naive, newbie.

I am the first to admit I have no idea what I'm doing.  I know there are children out there that right now have nobody to hug them with a hug that means they are loved for being them.  There are children who never hear the words I love you.  There are children who have no physical home to call theirs.  There are children who don't get to do a "normal" life.  There are children who need a family.  We are opening ours to one of these children.  I'd love to adopt them all and snuggle with them and tell them Jesus loves them.  But for now, God will give us one.  One boy.

God called us to this, he will equip us through it.  God chose Mary, a girl who had never had children, who had never been married, who had no life experience.  Yet, she was willing.  Ok, Lord.  I'm clueless.  I don't know what this will look like or how messy it's going to get, but I'm willing.  Make this all about you and lead us to be what that little guy needs in this world.

Monday, December 1, 2014

Family Pictures

We had our family photos taken this past week.  We have a friend and her family who we "trade" with.  She takes pictures of us, I take pictures of them, and we all live happily ever after.

It becomes an all-day event, where the two families walk around together, staking out the best spots for pictures in locations that are gorgeous no matter where you turn.  We let the boys explore (she also has three boys) and play along the way, which makes them much more willing to smile when the time comes.

Would you believe me if I told you this was not posed?  It wasn't, I promise!

We both said it was photo-worthy as soon as they all went over there to check out the creek that ran through the park.  These six little guys have spent the last three-ish years growing up together and playing together.  I can't imagine what memories they will share with us once they are old and grown.  You know, those memories where the Mom says, "You did WHAT?!" years after it happened.

And in light of the Thanksgiving holiday that just passed, I'm going to say again that I am so very thankful for my family, friends, and life that God has given us.  It's not without it's challenges, and I wouldn't want it to be, because that's where my faith grows.  But it is beautiful.